We will be closing for a Christmas break.

In the spirit of the Christmas, PROCare will be closed from 21st December to 2nd January to allow our team to celebrate and spend quality time with loved ones.
Don't forget you can still order online over the break via our portal!
We also want to thank all of our customers and suppliers for your continued support and trust in our services/products. Your loyalty means the world to us. Thank you for choosing us and being a part of our journey. We are committed to providing you with exceptional service and look forward to serving you again after the break.

We want to give you plenty of notice about a few key dates you will need to know.
Last delivery date: 20th December*
Business shut down 21st December (12pm)
Business reopens 2nd January
Sales/ deliveries resume 2nd January onwards*
Online orders can be placed over the shutdown period and will be delivered 3rd January onwards*
*subject to delivery areas*
Wishing you and your families a joyous and Merry Christmas!